Dominican University Website

Sandbox provides UX guidance, ensures brand consistency, and expands site functionality as part of a long-term relationship with Dominican’s communications group.

The Marketing Systems & Operations team as well as dozens of on-campus content contributors rely on ongoing Sandbox support. We are available to respond to emerging concerns, apply fixes, and perform Drupal core and security updates.

We develop and implement enrollment management enhancements while supporting the work of outside digital marketing agencies. Occasionally we will work with IT and the communications offices on special projects.

We recently performed a critical and intensive Drupal version update which gave us an opportunity to streamline and content types and bring bolster the site's accessibility compliance. In our initial engagement with Dominican, we performed a complete site redesign and redevelopment project, completed in 2018.

Visit the Dominican University Site →

    Client Type
  • Education
  • Aaron Grant
  • Brad Nagle
  • Matt Stone


  • Back-End Development
  • Front-End Development
  • Interface Design
  • Responsive & Mobile Design
  • Content Strategy
  • User Experience